
Cthulhu Dark

Created by Graham Walmsley

Cthulhu Dark is a tabletop roleplaying game of cosmic horror, with stripped-back rules that drive a bleak and terrifying story.

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almost 7 years ago – Sat, Jun 24, 2017 at 12:53:58 AM

In the end, Cthulhu Dark raised £71,835 (about $92,000). Thank you so much for your enthusiasm and your investment in my game. I'll get working on it and make it as good as I can get it.

Perhaps it's right that, in the end, there were some stretch goals we couldn't defeat. Scott's mini-campaign, in London 1851, and my mini-campaign, made by linking together the Cthulhu Dark scenarios, will surface again. I'm still working out what form they'll take, but they'll be back.

Over the weekend, I'll send you the link for Cthulhu Dark Zero. And then I'll tell you how we move forward from there, with the Season Pass and ultimately the hardback book.

For now, thank you again. You should be proud and a little scared. Are you sure you know what you've done?

End times
almost 7 years ago – Fri, Jun 23, 2017 at 12:43:18 AM

In the final hours, I wanted to thank you all for helping me make this game.

Cthulhu Dark has been a labour of love, the game I've wanted to write for years. I'm so proud of the team, artists and writers, who have contributed to it. You'll get Cthulhu Dark Zero very soon.

We've just sailed through a stretch goal: Mo Holkar's Dust Bowl scenario, Good As A Feast. It's looking hopeful that we'll meet the next one, at £75,000, when we get Scott Dorward's London 1851 mini-campaign, Now We Are The Sons Of God. So I'm going to add one final goal.

If we reach £85,000, I'll link all the main Cthulhu Dark scenarios into a mini-campaign. That is, I'll give you the tools to play The Doors Beyond Time (Arkham 1672), Screams of the Children (London 1851), The Curse of the Zimba (Jaiwo 2017) and Consume (Mumbai 2037) in one time-travelling mystery.

It probably won't happen! But anything seems possible now, so let's try.

Thanks again for all your support. See you on the other side.


Final stretch
almost 7 years ago – Mon, Jun 19, 2017 at 12:24:12 AM

Five days left! Thank you all so much for helping me to make this game real. 

Here are some stretch goals. And they are stretching! We might not achieve all of them, but let's see what happens.

If we reach £65,000, you'll get a new mystery in a totally new setting. Good As A Feast, by Mo Holkar, takes Cthulhu Dark into the Dust Bowl of 1930s America. It's a story about food, hunger and flesh.

If we reach £75,000, you'll get Now We Are The Sons Of God, a mini-campaign by Scott Dorward in London 1851. It's in three parts, each focussing on a different aspect of Victorian London: Walk In The Light Of Your Fire uncovers a cruel and deadly factory; The Brightness of the Firmament sees shooting stars fall on a London rookery; and The Truth Shall Make You Free finds dangerous knowledge in a ragged school.

Those are challenging goals, so let's see how much we get! All the best and thanks again for your support. 


almost 7 years ago – Fri, Jun 16, 2017 at 07:39:39 AM

Imagine a world of vast, mindbending forces you cannot control. Where your fate is governed by things beyond your understanding. Where obscure mathematical patterns lurk behind reality, but if you try to understand them, your mind breaks.

That's what running a Kickstarter is like. Seriously, this week has blown my mind. In less than five days, Cthulhu Dark has raised over £26,000 ($33,000). It's incredible. Thank you so much for your support.

If you want to make it even better, keep talking about Cthulhu Dark over the next two weeks. Find new places on the Internet and post about it. Be enthusiastic on social media. Link to Really, you can help so much, just by talking about it.

I wanted to let you know about the interviews I've been doing. If you'd like to read a short introduction to Cthulhu Dark, try this interview with Brianna Sheldon. For the background on why I wrote Cthulhu Dark, try this article I wrote for Pelgrane Press. If you'd like to hear me interviewed about Cthulhu Dark, here's an interview with Miskatonic University Press and if you'd to hear me interviewed about every weird subject on Earth, here's an interview with Alex Roberts. Soon, there'll also be a recording of me running Cthulhu Dark for the folks at Skype of Cthulhu.

Starting next week, I'll go through all the sections of the book and explain what you'll be getting. And I'll announce another stretch goal. For now, have a great weekend, and thank you again.


almost 7 years ago – Fri, Jun 16, 2017 at 07:39:03 AM

Good morning! Here's a stretch goal to start the week.

If we reach £40,000, I'll do beautifully hand-written handouts and put them in the book. Remember my book Stealing Cthulhu, with the scribblings on the pages? Here's a picture in case you don't. It'll be like that.  

After that, there'll be more stretch goals, including a mini-campaign in London 1851. For the moment, I'll just say 1 John 3:2 and leave it there.

Later in the week, I'll talk you through what's in the Cthulhu Dark rulebook, including the Playing A Mystery, Writing A Mystery and Rewriting A Mystery sections, and the settings. Let me know what you'd like to hear about first!

Finally, I wanted to point you towards a Kickstarter that's ending soon. Pax Cthuliana is a scenario set in London 1927, which works with any Cthulhu system, and which blends music into the experience. The creators, Jarle, Even and Joseph, have recommended using Cthulhu Dark to run it, so I wanted to point you towards it. Do have a look.

Thanks again for your support. Keep spreading the word!